Temple, Monument and SocialMemory:
The Limits and Shiftsof Art Museum Science in the Pandemic Period
讲者:沈森 (中央美术学院艺术学理论博士,广州美术学院艺术管理学系教师,广州美术学院新美术馆学研究中心副主任,自由评论人,策展人)Lecturer: ShenSen (PhD in Art Theory, Central Academy of Fine Arts, a teacher at ArtManagement Department, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, the Deputy Directorof the Research Center of New Art Museum Science, Guangzhou Academy of FineArts, a freelance art critic and curator.)
讲座时间:2020年5月13日(星期三)19:30Time:19:30,Wednesday, May 13th,2020讲座方式:腾讯课堂
Platform: Tencent Classroom
主办单位:新美术馆学研究中心、广州美术学院美术馆Organizers:The Research Center ofNew Art Museum Studies, Art Museum of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts
What is the Art Museum Science? First of all, it is a set of basicmethods to study the history and perspective of artmuseums, including studies of thehistory and development of art museums, institutions and cultural policies, aswell as the political and social functions inside and outside art museums. Froma broader perspective, the Art Museum Science alsostudies the production and acception of art museums, including publiceducation, exhibition displays, preservation of collection, as well as artmuseum research and science with the public, professionals, scholars, artistsand curators as the subjects.
In this regard, the Art Museum Science is not only an internal discipline tostudy art museums, but also includes many fields of human activities, not onlyart, but also multi-disciplinary interventions, thus forming a comprehensiveart field. Withinthis framework, the Art Museum Science is arelatively new discipline, and a discipline withmany possibilities, including the"New Art Museum Science", "Ecological Art MuseumScience", "Social Art Museum Science", and has created a number of theories that apply to art museums, in these theories, art museums areregarded as "heterogeneous space", "power space","gender space", "consumption space", and after the 1960s, the position of art museum skepticsbrought about by the reflection on social control and power, and "thetermination of art museums".
However, the disciplinary perspective thatinvolves too much "method" and too little "purpose" of art museums isfacingthe shifts. With the reality of pandemic, artmuseums are trying to adapt to the challenges brought by thedevelopment of disease,the sanctity and rituality(temple) of art museums, and the artmuseum is collapsingas the witness to history and politicsandthe ideology (monument) that cannotbe ignored, this left the reserved space for the artmuseum as a "heterogeneous space" and its "demateriality".The new art institution is becoming the space and carrier of"social memory" and has the ability to reveal the microcosm throughpublic participation. Here, the immortal space is losing its meaning, throughthe practice of everyday life and more active culturalintervention, the art museum becomes a database ofcollective memory, and plays a new role in thesocial network system that reveals human nature and social reality.
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About the lecturer
Shen Sen, PhD in Art Theory, Central Academy of FineArts, now he is a teacher at Art Management Department, Guangzhou Academy ofFine Arts, the Deputy Director of the Research Center of New Art MuseumScience, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, he is a freelance art critic andcurator. His research interests include the study of New Art Museum Science andexhibition, the study of art institutions during the American culture war, andhe has long been engaged in modern and contemporary art criticism and curation.
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