Resistance and Symbiosis: Researchon the Notion of Space in Curation
讲者:胡丹洁(策展人,中央美术学院艺术管理与教育学院教师,Frieze亚洲特聘顾问)Lecturer: Hu Danjie (Curator, lecturer at the School of Arts Administration and ArtEducation, CAFA. Asia Consultant of Frieze in China)
讲座时间:5月17日(星期日)15:00 Time:15:00, Sunday, May17th
讲座方式:Zoom视频会议Platform: ZoomVideo Communications
会议号码:762429 5699Zoom Cloud Meeting ID:762 429 5699
主办单位:新美术馆学研究中心、广州美术学院美术馆Organizers:TheResearch Center of New Art Museum Studies, Art Museum of Guangzhou Academy ofFine Arts
Lecture outline
From cabinet ofcuriosity to Salon de Paris, white cube then to experimental mechanism, virtual space andanti-space, since the establishment of the exhibition system, the exhibitionspace is one of the primary factors that constitute the concept of curation,therefore, with the description of the rebel and reform of exhibition space --the gradual transition from physical form to abstract concept in the history ofart creation and curation. This lecture tries to clarify and explain theconcept of curation from the perspective of the concept of space.
The lecture willintroduce the curatorial practices and methodology through the analysis ofrepresentative cases, and reflect on the authority of curating and the identityof institution, as well as the problems and challenges faced by the curator andthe artist in the process of co-production in the concept of exhibition spacethat is constantly being subverted. At the same time, with the reflect on herown curatorial practice, the lecturer will share a possibility of thinkingabout issues in curating.
奥莱·沃尔姆的奇珍阁,沃尔米亚努姆博物馆,1655年Ole Worm's cabinet of curiosities, from MuseumWormianum, 1655
1890年,在沙龙穿着正装的赞助人Formallydressed patrons at the Salon in 1890Jean-André Rixens(1846-1925) - Albert Wolff, Figaro-Salon 1890, Paris Goupil & c°.éditeurs, Boussod, Valadon & c°, succ. 1890, p.66.
“When Attitudes Become Form” at Kunsthalle Bern, 1969Mario Merz, Robert Morris, Barry Flanaganand Bruce Nauman
克里斯多与珍妮克劳德,《包装的国会大厦》,柏林,1971-1995Christo+J-C, Wrapped Reichstag, Berlin, 1971-95
奥拉弗·埃里亚森,《天气计划》,2003年单频灯,投影箔,雾度仪,镜面箔,铝和脚手架Olafur Eliasson, The Weather Project, 2003
Monofrequency lights, projection foil, hazemachines, mirror foil, aluminium, and scaffolding
26.7 m x 22.3 m x 155.4 m
Installation in Turbine Hall, Tate Modern, London
Photo: Studio Olafur Eliasson
Courtesy the artist: neugerriemschneider, Berlin: and Tanya Bonakdar,New York
© Olafur Eliasson 2003
蒂诺·塞加尔,《进步》,2010年,纽约古根海姆博物馆Tino Sehgal, “This Progress”, 2010, Guggenheim Museum, NewYork
“虚空,回顾展”展览现场,2009年,,巴黎蓬皮杜艺术中心'Voids, A Retrospective', 2009, installation view, Pompidou Centre,Paris
Aboutthe lecturer
胡丹洁,策展⼈,任教于中央美术学院艺术管理与教育学院,为艺术展览策划与管理工作室的主讲老师,同时,她也是Frieze在亚洲的特聘顾问。胡丹洁 2005-2006 年就读于伦敦圣⻢丁艺术学院艺术系,2009 年在中国中央美术学院艺术管理系毕业后,前往英国皇家艺术学院学习,并于 2011 年获得当代艺术展览策划专业硕⼠学位。2012 年,胡丹洁参加了由德国政府资助的库⻢⽂化管理项目,其中包括在柏林⻢丁格罗⽪乌斯美术馆的短期实习。
HU Danjie, Curator, lecturing on themajor of Curatorial Studies, at the School of Arts Administration and ArtEducation, CAFA. She is also hired as Asia Consultant of Frieze in China.
After graduating from China CentralAcademy of Fine Arts (CAFA) in 2009, Hu studied at the Royal College ofArt in London and received an MA in Curating Contemporary Art in 2011.From September to October 2012, she participated in KUMA, a governmentalfunded cultural management program that included a short internshipat Martin Gropius Bau, Berlin.
1. CAFAM 双年展展览之⼀:《⾦枝》的密码——巫术、⿁魂与⾯孔的经济学(中央美术学院美术馆,北京,2014)
2. 2013 年由联合国教科⽂组织、北京市⽂化局和⼤都美术馆联合举办的⽂化论坛“坚守与拓展——⽂化多样性与油画艺术⾼峰论坛”、2012 年于伦敦奥林匹亚展览中⼼北京⽂化周活动中举办的“2012 中国油画艺术展”
3. 2011 年伦敦皇家艺术学院画廊举办的展览“影⼦拳击”
4. 2010 年在伦敦陈列室艺术中⼼举办的展览“闲话、丑闻与良好礼仪”
Recent projects
1. The Code of The Golden Bough--Economics of Witchcraft, Soul,and Faces, CAFAM Biennial 2014 (CAFA Art Museum,Beijing, 2014)2. Persevere and Develop -- Cultural Diversity and Oil PaintingArtSummit Forum (co-organized by UNESCO, Beijing Municipal Bureauof Culture and Dadu Museum of Art, Beijing, 2013), China Oil PaintingArt Exhibition, Beijing Cultural Week (Olympia Exhibition Centre,London, 2012)3. Shadowboxing (Royal Collegeof Art galleries, London, 2011)4. Gossip, Scandal and Good Manners (TheShowroom, London, 2010)
论⽂及发表:1. 《⾦枝》的密码——巫术、⿁魂与⾯孔的经济学,20142. ⼀⼈九兽——⻩永砯回顾展,柏林⻢丁格罗⽪乌斯美术馆——关于在德德跨⽂化展览策划,20123. 双重现代与全球化的现代性──中国艺术在当代转向中的⽂化⾝份问题初探,2011
Publicationsand Essays:1.The Code of The Golden Bough-- Economics of Witchcraft, Soul, and Faces,20142. One Man, Nine Animals - Huang Yong Ping Retrospective Exhibitionat Martin Gropius Bau, Berlin -- Analysis of Intercultural CuratorialPractice in Germany, 20123. Double Modern and Globalized Modernity:Chinese Art Identity in its Contemporary Turn, 2011
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