魏因加特的文字设计中国巡展2017·广州站(2017 年 11 月30)

2017-11-28 00:00:00





2017 年 11 月30


2017年11月28日 至 12 月 17日







前 言:

活跃于1960和70年代的瑞士平面设计师与设计教育家沃夫冈·魏因加特(Wolfgang Weingart)在瑞士国际主义风格的基础上,打破了媒介与技术中的限制和常规,在设计过程中创造性地运用铅活字排印、底片拼贴等媒介与手段开创了全新的平面设计语言,他通过设计教学与实践影响了从世界各国慕名而来的年轻设计师,其中来自美国的设计师将被称为“新浪潮”的文字设计从瑞士巴塞尔带到了北美。这股浪潮与彼时在美国兴起的后现代主义相呼应,对当代平面设计产生了极为深远的影响。本次展览得到了苏黎世设计博物馆(Museum für Gestaltung Zurich)的大力支持。苏黎世设计博物馆藏回顾总结了魏因加特几十年以来的所有作品,通过这次展览在中国大陆第一次也是最完整地介绍魏因加特的设计作品。超过200件由魏因加特捐赠的设计作品、过程手稿及其学生作品将在本次巡展中展出。

Portrait Wolfgang Weingart, photograph,2011

瑞士平面设计师与设计教育家沃夫冈·魏因加特(Wolfgang Weingart)生于二战时期的德国,年轻时期在斯图加特接受了专业的字体排印训练,之后赴瑞士巴塞尔设计学院(Schule für Gestaltung Basel)深造。1960年代中期,魏因加特开始了他的实验文字设计与抽象图形构成,并受到瑞士国际主义设计代表人物时任平面设计系主任的阿敏·霍夫曼(Armin Hofmann)的注意。尽管魏因加特的设计作品和当时正处于鼎盛时期的瑞士国际主义风格迥异,霍夫曼仍充分感受到其中蕴含的能量,1968年霍夫曼邀请魏因加特在学院任教。随后的几十年间,魏因加特通过设计教学与实践影响了一批又一批从世界各国闻名而来的年轻设计师。其中以Dan Friedman和April Greiman等为代表的美国设计师将被称为“新浪潮”的文字设计从瑞士巴塞尔带到了北美,而这股浪潮与彼时在美国兴起的后现代主义相呼应,对平面设计产生了更为深远的影响。

Wolfgang Weingart, TypographischeMonatsblätter Nr. 11/1973, magazine cover from his series of 8,1973,letterpress


Wolfgang Weingart, Experiment Buch,doublepage, 1962, wood print


Wolfgang Weingart, Das Kotzenbuch,doublepage, 1970–1972, letterpress, manual typesetting

Wolfgang Weingart,TypographischeMonatsblätter Nr. 11/1970, double page, 1970, letterpress


Wolfgang Weingart, M, photoopticalexperiment, 1965, photo collage

Wolfgang Weingart, KunstgewerbemuseumZürich– Schreibkunst, exhibition poster, 1981, offset (photo collage)

Wolfgang Weingart, Q, design alternativesforthe cover of the magazine Design Quarterly, 1995, Xerography

Wolfgang Weingart, Was ich morgenamliebsten machen würde, typographic text interpretation,1965,letterpress,manual type setting

Wolfgang Weingart, Das Kotzenbuch,doublepage, 1970–1972, letterpress, manual typesetting

Wolfgang Weingart, Kunstkredit 1978/79.Mustermesse Basel, exhibition poster, 1979, offset (photo collage)

Wolfgang Weingart, The 20th Century Poster,exhibition poster, 1984, offset (photo collage)

Weingart Typography China Touring Exhibition 2017· Guangzhou

Swiss graphic designer and design educatorWolfgang Weingart is known for his pioneering work in typography and graphicdesign in the 1960s and 70s. He rebelled against the then dominant SwissInternational Style and spoke with an eloquent typographic voice of his own.Through teaching and practice Weingart influenced generations of students fromall over the world and inspired a “New Wave” of typography which traveled fromBasel to North America. This wave reverberated with the emerging Post-modernismin the country to create an impact on graphic design in profound ways. WeingartTypography China Touring Exhibition presents the first comprehensive exhibitionin China devoted to the work and teaching of Wolfgang Weingart and is based onthe exhibition by Museum für Gestaltung Zürich in 2014. All of the exhibitscome from the Museum’s own collections and are donated by Mr. Weingart,including more than 200 pieces by Weingart himself as well as examples of hisstudents’ work.

Born in Germany during WWII, Swiss graphicdesigner and design educator Wolfgang Weingart was formally trained as atypographic apprentice in Stuttgart. He then went on to study in Schule fürGestaltung Basel. In the mid-1960s, Weingart embarked on his typographicexperiments and abstract graphic compositions, which got into the attention ofthe eminent “International Typographic Style” representative and Dean ofgraphic design Armin Hofmann. Although Weingart’s design was in many waysdivergent from the then prevalent “Swiss Style”, Hofmann still sensed itspotential energy. In 1968 Hofmann invited Weingart to teach at the school. Inthe next decades, Weingart would influence through teaching and practicegenerations of young designers who were attracted to the Basel school by itsreputation. Later, American designers, among them Dan Friedman and AprilGreiman, were to bring what’s called the “New Wave” typography from Basel toNorth America. This wave reverberated with the then emerging Post-modernism inthe country to impact on graphic design in profound ways.

Often described as an “enfant terrible”,Weingart was known by many for his revolutionary character. He is good atbreaking the rules and restrictions imposed by medium and technology. His choice of mediums and techniques encompass manual andmechanical lead typesetting, lithographic film collage, xeroxing, letterpressand offset printing, and even an investigative use of digital design tools. Hebroke the rules of typesetting including the dogma of the right angle, spacingout letters and words and creating stark typographic contrasts with the use ofmultiple type sizes at once. His flexible use of type and inventive choice ofmaterials resulted in a distinctive visual quality in his (typo-)graphiccomposition. In the 1970s Weingart used collaged layers of halftone film in hiscomposition to create posters with a rich and unique visual texture. Weingart’spioneering design methods and concepts, though preceding the arrival of digitaldesign tools, foretold possibilities of a new typographic style to futuregenerations of designers almost like a textbook.

Weingart has devoted a lifetime to theresearch and practice of graphic design, continuously expanding its visuallanguage. The energies released from this expanded language exerts an influenceon modern and contemporary graphic design that transcends medium and time. TheSwiss International Typographic Style that Weingart rebelled against continuesits course of development and influence the world today in newer mediums andcontext. Nevertheless, the “New Wave” inspired by Weingart later echoed by thepost-modernist movement in graphic design has undoubtedly expanded the widthand depth of modern graphic design.

Weingart’s active period precedes theopening up of China, before contemporary graphic design emerged as an area ofexpertise in China, therefore he might seem a little distant to most Chinesedesigners. But as the visual vocabulary and culture of Chinese graphic designrapidly expand with the explosion and alternation of media and technology,typography is once again brought to the agenda by Chinese designers and designeducators. To “revisit” Weingart’s typography in China today is an attempt tointroduce a crucial design tradition and thinking that transcends time andmedium into our own context. We hope that this exhibition, together with manymore such to come, will contribute to the development of modern Chinese graphicdesign and the enrichment of its visual lexicon, and provide grounds andreferences for more and more Chinese designers to form their own designmethodology by rigorously investigating contemporary medium and technology.




上一条:开放的语言——2017广东雕塑邀请展(2017-9-10) 下一条:正色美意——郑餐霞百年艺术展(2017-11-15)

